Therapeutic approach
I believe that every child is a whole world and has infinite potential, and that it is my job to give him tools in the fields of language and communication so that he can realize this potential.

I believe that the therapeutic intervention should take place in natural and enjoyable contexts for the child and that the emotional connection and communication are a significant part that contributes to the success of the treatment, and therefore the manner of the treatment and its goals are derived from this therapeutic approach and are personally adapted to each child.
I see the environment close to the child as an environment that is important and has a significant impact on treatment, and therefore the parents' involvement is an integral part of it.
As a result of this, the parents participate in the selection of the therapeutic goals and take part in the therapeutic process for their child. This involvement varies according to various factors, including the age of the child and the field of treatment.
I recognize the importance of my professional development, and therefore make sure to take part in diverse professional training, keep up to date with academic research and follow new treatment methods.
I combine in the treatment, among other things, the methods:
* PROMPT (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets
* OPT (Oral Placement Therapy.