Hello and welcome to my home site
My name is Linor, I am a Speech Language Pathologist who focuses on working with children, with over 17 years of rich clinical experience in diagnosis, treatment, counseling and training.
My clinic is located in Kfar Saba Hyerurka and provides service to all residents of the Sharon and the surrounding area
My academic education is based on a bachelor's degree in communication disorders, which I completed with honors at Hadassah Jerusalem, as well as a master's degree from the department of cognitive studies of language and its uses, which I completed with honors at Tel Aviv University
Over the years I have worked in various professional settings, both in the public and private sectors, including the Child Development Institute at Tel Hashomer Hospital, the Child Development Unit at the Clalit Health Organization, special education settings of the Ministry of Health as well as settings of the Ministry of Education
As part of my work, I work in conjunction with multi-professional teams that include doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and emotional therapists. Working in this way expands my professional vision and allows me to diagnose and treat in a manner adapted to the child from a broad perspective
The clinic is located in Kfar Saba Hyeruka and provides service to all residents of the Sharon and the surrounding area

: I specialize in a variety of fields
Treatment of children with comprehensive developmental delay
Relationship and Communication Therapy - Autism Spectrum
Language therapy
Steering treatments
Treatment of stuttering
Counseling for parents
Training and consulting for professional teams
Social groups for children on the autistic continuum